18 June 2013


The following article really hit me hard when I read it tonight:  Parents of Miles Ambridge acknowledge there was no malice behind isolating photo of son in wheelchair

I think the reason that it did and the reason why it went viral is that everyone has felt isolated and ostracized at some point in their lives. We've all been that "other" that is laughed at, persecuted, or ignored.

But do you know something? Young 7 year old Miles handled it way better than I ever have. Look at that smile! And everyone has commented on how he's leaning toward the group wanting to be closer, to be part, but not feeling lonely or sad at all. God bless you, Miles. And thank you. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and reminding me that we determine our own happiness; no one else does.

"For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content therewith." Phillipians IV:11 (DRV)

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