10 November 2016

Vanquished but Never Defeated

Vanquished by Edmund Blair Leighton (1884)
It's been 36 hours; I think I can write civilly about it now. I have no tears left and feel no shame in admitting that I did cry over this nightmare. There are those who say that we should unite, suck it up, and continue together hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm singing "Kumbaya" into the great and glorious future envisioned by the Tea Party and their orange puppet. No, not I; I prefer to be, to use the French, corps à corps, face à face. That is, I thrive in the heat of battle where I cross and lock swords with my opponent, and we stare into each other's eyes in an embrace warmer than that of two lovers, the  joie de la guerre. To quote Shakespeare:
Mine honour is my life; both grow in one:
Take honour from me, and my life is done:
Then, dear my liege, mine honour let me try;
In that I live and for that will I die. (Richard II, I.i) 
Just remember, though, that with the last line, I will hit.

Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)
Yes, I know, I'm waxing somewhat romantic, but that is how I will deal with this travesty. Unite as Americans? Exactly; we are all brothers, although the Right seems to forget that; for them, being united is a mass of goose-stepping WASPs marching in lockstep to one drummer. No; that is not the United States of America--that is fascism, that is totalitarianism, and that is evil. No man may take from me the free will endowed in my breast and in my life by the Almighty God they claim to revere. But they do not revere Him. They worship the god of this Age and World, the Horned One, the Fallen Angel, Sammael, and his brother Mammon, the demon god of Money.

"How can you say this?" I hear you ask.

"The evidence proves this," I reply. Anytime someone wishes to help someone else, whether it is health care or education or food for families, the Republican answer is, "We cannot afford this." This is the influence of the demon Mammon. However, if the GOP wants to go blow the Hell out of a group of brown people living in some Third World hellhole, well, they will go into debt to the tune of $3 TRILLION to kill, and maim, and to destroy; that is the influence of Sammael, the Fallen (cf. John 10:10).

Behold, the god of the GOP revealed: Paradise Lost: Satan Alarmed  by Richard Westall (1794)

I can say that honestly because of what the Christ tells us to do in those situations:
But I say to you that hear: Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them that calumniate you. And to him that striketh thee on the one cheek, offer also the other. And him that taketh away from thee thy cloak, forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every one that asketh thee, and of him that taketh away thy goods, ask them not again. And as you would that men should do to you, do you also to them in like manner. And if you love them that love you, what thanks are to you? for sinners also love those that love them. And if you do good to them who do good to you, what thanks are to you? for sinners also do this. And if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thanks are to you? for sinners also lend to sinners, for to receive as much. But love ye your enemies: do good, and lend, hoping for nothing thereby: and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest; for he is kind to the unthankful, and to the evil. The Gospel According to St. Matthew VI: 27-35 (DRV).
This is also His answer on how to deal with Muslim refugees even if there might be terrorists hiding amongst them. The Tea Party clings to their guns and their ammo, but not to their Bibles. They're cowards who would prey on the weak and the defenseless. They gain their courage from their firearms and they think their time has come. There are already reports of idiots, poltroons, and other lowlife deplorable scum verbally and even physically assaulting and robbing people-of-color, Muslims, gays, and others. If you value your health, please do not that in front of me. I follow a code that any narrow-minded bigots out there would never comprehend. 

To borrow something one of my daughters told me, I've read about chivalry, and there's not much in there about courtesy and manners; it's actually a medieval battle code. So, be forewarned, cowards: there is a lion walking amongst you. "The wicked man fleeth, when no man pursueth: but the just, bold as a lion, shall be without dread" (Proverbs XXVIII: 1, DRV).

One thing that helps me when the I feel the Darkness overwhelming me is this scene from Casablanca (1942). The Nazis are lording it over the defeated French in Morocco and acting like asses (sound familiar?), singing  Die Wacht am Rhein, a traditional German song that highlights their enmity with France. But the people unite to sing the outlawed Les Marseilles. Incidentally, the French are not weak; the chorus of that song...well, look up the translation and be amazed.  Anyway, this scene always reminds me that there are more of us than there are of them in the end. The Light comes to drive out the Darkness (cf. John I), so be of good cheer.

To my brothers and sisters out there who are afraid and feel alone because they are of color, or gay, or Muslim, or anything else the Tea Party hates, I give you the words of my king and my brother, the Christ: Do not fear; for I am with you always. And so am I; like my brother before me, I will love you, I will protect you, and I will die for you if need be, for that is my solemn oath. We will get through this present Darkness; we will be the Lights for those in need. And as we help another, we Light in them that Divine Spark which resides in us all, and thus the Light grows. And the ones who rejoice in this Darkness will fade away, and we will remain together united in Love and Peace. 

May the Almighty God who rules this Universe as King be with you all. And I say to you all, pax vobiscum.